Regular Meeting – June 3, 2014


           I.               CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman, Arden Potter at 16:00.  Members present: Mike Williams, Larry Helsley, Bill Britton and George Owen. Members absent: None.  Others present: Chief Scott Alvord, Clerk Lisa Guglielmina, and Jim Underwood.


         II.               CONSENT AGENDA:

A.    Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of May 6, 2014 –

B.     Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries –

C.    Approve Budget Adjustment

MSC: Britton/Williams to approve consent agenda as presented.


       III.               PUBLIC HEARING: Adoption of the Weaverville Fire Protection District Preliminary Budget for 2014/2015.

Opened Public Hearing – 16:06 – No public comments

Closed Public Hearing – 16:07

Short discussion on the budget in general.

MSC: Williams/Britton to approve the preliminary budget for the 2014/2015 fiscal year as presented.  


       IV.               ACTION ITEMS:

A.        Discuss/Approve to create a trial/temporary program to hire a few of the youth firefighters, part-time, to perform some of the necessary tasks. – Chief, Scott Alvord explained the tasks to be performed and the importance of keeping our new firefighters here for this summer’s fire season.  They have completed a lot of training, and are in training for 1st Responder right now, so we have invested in them.   Sort discussion on the Smart Center Programs.  Short discussion on the budget and where the funds will come from. 

            MSC: Williams/Owen to approve $11,500.00 for a 10 week temporary program to hire a few of the youth firefighters, to perform some of the necessary tasks.  It is further approved to move money from the contingency fund to cover the costs and to make the change to reflect the Final Budget to be adopted on July 1, 2014.


B.         Discuss/Approve to have MVP Floors replace hall flooring at Station One - Discussion on volunteers doing the prep work again.  Short discussion on product quality and colors.  Scott to find out how well prepped the foundation needs to be. 

            MSC: Britton/Owen to approve ($4,751.60) and not to exceed $5,000.00, to have MVP Floors replace hall flooring at Station One.



A.    Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: The crew has finished the 2013/2014 Title III Hazard Reduction project.  Will be expecting the 2014/2015 Title III grant money sometime in July or August; there is already a list of people needing hazard reduction.       


B.     Fire Chief/Marshall Report:  

·        Reediness Drill went well

·        1st Responder Classes in June – we have 6 signed up for it

·        Downtown pre-fire inspection plan went well

·        Todd Abercrombie and Jordan Hamilton graduated from the Fire Academy at Shasta College.

·        Another fire at the Trinity River Lumber Company

·        Soroptimist luncheon went well

·        Rotary Luncheon went well

·        There will be a Chamber Mixer on June 19th

·        OES Region 3 meeting in Chico

·        C2101 overheating and transmission light came on


C.    Fire Department Report: None

D.    Sleeper Program Reports: Ernie is working. Station 2 – Keith Heryford is going to move back into Station 2.

E.     Committee Reports:

·        Recruitment Committee:  

·        Collection Committee: Receiving payments on a regular basis.

·        Contract Committee: No report.

·        Tuition Committee: No report.

·        Budget Committee: Adopted the Preliminary Budget.  Will adopt the Final Budget for 2014/2015 in July meeting.

F.     Director Reports: Britton – LAFCO did not have a quorum so no vote. Owen had questions on the fire hydrants.  Short discussion on the dispatch center.  Potter short discussion on Prop. 142.                                           


       VI.               PUBLIC COMMENTS: Jim Underwood complimented the Board on their professionalism and compliant meetings.


     VII.               CORRESPONDENCE: Received a letter for a deposition for the first Mill fire in 2009.     


  VIII.               ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 17:13 hours.



__________________________                                    __________________________

    Arden Potter, Chairman                                           Lisa Guglielmina, Clerk of the Board